Happy New Year
Dear AHEPA Fayetteville Chapter 9 Brothers,
Another wonderful AHEPA service year is upon us!
I would like to thank the AHEPA Fayetteville Chapter No. 9 Brothers for your membership and outstanding support during the past year. It is truly an honor and a privilege to serve as Chapter President. A special thank you to the Board of Officers: Brothers Tom, John and Joe for your support and
camaraderie, and a very special thank you to Past Chapter President and Past District Governor, Brother Steve Goodson for his wisdom and mentorship.
It is very important as a Chapter of AHEPA District 3, that we remain nested within the District’s vision and initiatives. This is the only way that the AHEPA family will continue to progress into the future. One of these great initiatives is evolving the digital presence of our chapter. District 3 has established a new website (https://ahepad3.org/) and has offered to provide webpages for each of the District chapters. I am working with District 3’s Webmaster to establish a new and professional webpage for our Chapter.
Another initiative is the upgraded District calendar. Chapters are able to provide a list of their events for the year and have it published on the District calendar. This provides District-wide dissemination of all events taking place, allowing Chapters across the District to participate in and support each other’s events. The District Lodge will continue its promotion of all events and newsletter items in its social media channels as well.
So, as we begin this new service year together, let us not forget OUR Mission: To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.
Oloi Mazi! All Together!
Derek G. Koukies
Chapter President
AHEPA Fayetteville Chapter No. 9
AHEPA Chapter 9 is proud to award scholarships to young Greek American students every year! It is an honor to be able to support the future of Greece and the Greek Diaspora
There are 3 categories of scholarships that can be applied for.
AHEPA National Scholarships
The Order of Ahepa offers a national scholarship available to ALL applicants in Ahepa domain,including international applicants
AHEPA Capital District Scholarships
The District Scholarships are offered to any application who is already a member of the AHEPA family(Chapter affiliation or Sons/Maids) or whose parents is a member of the AHEPA Capital District Family
AHEPA Fayetteville Chapter 9 Scholarships
Peter G. Vurnakes College Scholarship
AHEPA Fayetteville Chapter No. 9 is proud to offer the following two scholarship
Category 1 is for any high school senior of either a child (not niece, nephew, grandchild, cousin, etc.) of a member of the AHEPA or child of a steward member of Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Fayetteville, N.C.
Category 2 is for any high school senior within the Cumberland County School